Gamalost: A Tradition Like No Other

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  • Inläggskategori:Norge
  • Lästid:4 minuters läsning

A Cheese Like No Other

Nestled in the heart of Norway, a country known for its breathtaking fjords and stunning landscapes, lies a hidden gem of culinary delight – Gamalost. This traditional cheese, with its strong aroma and distinct flavor, has been enjoyed by Norwegians for centuries, making it a true symbol of their rich cultural heritage.

Aged to Perfection

What sets Gamalost apart from other cheeses is its unique aging process. Unlike most cheeses that are aged for a few months, Gamalost takes years to develop its characteristic taste. The cheese is made from skimmed cow’s milk, which is then fermented using a special blend of bacteria. This fermentation process can take up to three years, resulting in a cheese that is rich in flavor and has a crumbly texture.

A Taste Sensation

Gamalost is not for the faint of heart. Its pungent smell can be off-putting to some, but those brave enough to try it are rewarded with an explosion of flavors. The cheese has a tangy and slightly sour taste, with hints of herbs and spices. It pairs exceptionally well with dark bread and traditional Norwegian dishes like cured meats and pickled herring.


A Cultural Icon

Gamalost is more than just a cheese; it is a cultural icon. Norwegians take great pride in their traditional foods, and Gamalost holds a special place in their hearts. It is often served during festive occasions and family gatherings, where it becomes a centerpiece of the meal. The cheese’s strong flavor and unique history make it a topic of conversation and a source of nostalgia for many Norwegians.

Preserving Tradition

In a world where food production is becoming increasingly industrialized, Gamalost stands as a testament to the importance of preserving culinary traditions. The cheese is still made using traditional methods, passed down through generations. Artisan cheesemakers carefully craft each wheel of Gamalost, ensuring that the cheese retains its authentic taste and quality.

A Delicacy Worth Trying

While Gamalost may not be to everyone’s taste, it is undoubtedly a delicacy worth trying. Its unique flavor profile and rich history make it a must-try for any adventurous food lover. So, if you find yourself in Norway, don’t miss the opportunity to experience this one-of-a-kind cheese that has stood the test of time.

Traditional and Authentic Gamalost Recipe

– 2 liters of skimmed milk
– 1 tablespoon of mesophilic starter culture
– 1/4 teaspoon of calcium chloride (if using pasteurized milk)
– 1/4 teaspoon of liquid rennet
– Salt to taste

1. Heat the milk in a large pot over medium heat until it reaches a temperature of 37°C (98°F).
2. Sprinkle the mesophilic starter culture over the milk and let it hydrate for 1-2 minutes. Stir gently to distribute the culture.
3. If using pasteurized milk, dissolve the calcium chloride in a tablespoon of cool water and add it to the milk. Stir well.
4. Cover the pot and let the milk ripen for 45 minutes, maintaining the temperature at 37°C (98°F).
5. Dilute the liquid rennet in a tablespoon of cool water and add it to the milk. Stir gently for 1 minute.
6. Cover the pot again and let the milk coagulate for 1-2 hours, until it forms a clean break.
7. Cut the curds into small cubes, about 1/2 inch in size, using a long knife.
8. Let the curds rest undisturbed for 10 minutes.
9. Gently stir the curds for 10 minutes, then let them settle for another 10 minutes.
10. Line a cheese mold with cheesecloth and transfer the curds to the mold. Press lightly to remove any excess whey.
11. Place a weight on top of the curds and let them press under the weight for 6-8 hours, or overnight.
12. Remove the cheese from the mold, sprinkle salt over the surface, and let it air dry on a cheese mat for 2-3 days, flipping it once a day.
13. Once the cheese is dry, wrap it in wax paper or place it in a cheese storage container.
14. Age the Gamalost in the refrigerator for at least 2 weeks before consuming. The longer it ages, the stronger the flavor will be.
15. Serve the Gamalost thinly sliced on bread or crackers, and enjoy!

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