Ahlgrens Bilar: A Tradition that Leaves Readers Speechless

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  • Inläggskategori:Sverige
  • Lästid:4 minuters läsning

A Sweet Swedish Legacy

Ahlgrens Bilar, the iconic Swedish candy, has become a beloved tradition that transcends generations. Its unique history and delectable taste have made it a cultural phenomenon in Sweden and beyond.

A Chewy Delight

Ahlgrens Bilar, which translates to ’Ahlgrens Cars’ in English, was first introduced in 1953 by the Swedish confectionery company Ahlgrens. These delightful candies are shaped like small cars and are made from a chewy marshmallow-like foam.

Unforgettable Flavors

Ahlgrens Bilar offers a range of flavors that tantalize the taste buds. From the classic fruity flavors like strawberry, raspberry, and lemon, to the more adventurous limited edition flavors, every bite is a burst of sweetness.


A Cultural Phenomenon

Ahlgrens Bilar has become deeply ingrained in Swedish culture. It is a staple at birthday parties, celebrations, and even weddings. The candy’s popularity has also spread to other countries, making it a sought-after treat for candy enthusiasts worldwide.

Enduring Quality

One of the reasons Ahlgrens Bilar has stood the test of time is its commitment to quality. The candy is made using only the finest ingredients, ensuring a consistently delicious taste. The attention to detail and dedication to excellence have earned Ahlgrens Bilar a loyal following.

Expanding the Legacy

Ahlgrens Bilar has expanded its product line over the years to cater to different preferences. They now offer sugar-free options for those looking for a guilt-free indulgence, as well as sour versions for those seeking an extra tangy experience.

A Sweet Success

Ahlgrens Bilar’s success can be attributed not only to its delightful taste but also to its ability to evoke nostalgia and create lasting memories. The candy has become a symbol of joy, happiness, and togetherness, reminding us of simpler times and the importance of savoring life’s sweet moments.


Ahlgrens Bilar is more than just a candy; it is a tradition that has captured the hearts and taste buds of people around the world. Its unique shape, unforgettable flavors, and enduring quality make it a timeless treat. So, the next time you unwrap a pack of Ahlgrens Bilar, take a moment to savor the sweet legacy that this iconic candy represents.

Traditional and Authentic Ahlgrens Bilar Recipe

– 400g marshmallows
– 100g powdered sugar
– 1 tbsp gelatin powder
– 200ml water
– Food coloring (red, yellow, green, and blue)
– Vegetable oil (for greasing)

1. In a large mixing bowl, combine the gelatin powder and 100ml of water. Set it aside for 5 minutes to allow the gelatin to bloom.

2. In a saucepan, heat the remaining 100ml of water over medium heat until it starts to simmer. Remove from heat.

3. Add the bloomed gelatin mixture to the hot water and stir until the gelatin dissolves completely.

4. Gradually add the powdered sugar to the gelatin mixture, stirring continuously to avoid lumps.

5. Place the saucepan back on low heat and add the marshmallows. Stir until the marshmallows melt and the mixture becomes smooth and homogeneous.

6. Divide the mixture equally into four separate bowls. Add a few drops of food coloring to each bowl, one color per bowl. Stir well until the colors are evenly distributed.

7. Grease a rectangular baking dish with vegetable oil. Pour the colored marshmallow mixtures into the dish, one color at a time, creating layers. Use a spoon or spatula to spread each layer evenly.

8. Allow the mixture to set at room temperature for at least 4 hours, or until firm.

9. Once set, use a sharp knife to cut the marshmallow mixture into small car-shaped pieces.

10. Serve and enjoy your homemade Ahlgrens Bilar!

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